(08) 8632 2500


We love giving back to our community and love supporting other organisations that give back too. So at Aughey's, we offer services specialised for not for profit organisations (NFP). We're motivated to help NFPs and other social enterprises to be as sustainable as possible. 

We can provide your NFP with accurate financial reports that deliver meaningful information and guide your decision making. Our objective is more than just balancing numbers - we want to help you streamline your approach to make it easier to manage finances. So let us help you continue to make the world a better place. As part of our process, we can review and verify accounts and make sure that all details are complete, correct, and compliant to ensure an accurate view of your organisation's financial situation. 

Aughey knows that the compliance requirements for NFPs are more complex than for some other business types and can manage this process, covering your BAS and IAS, fringe benefits (FBT), superannuation and Single Touch Payroll.

There are some benefits to outsourcing accounting services for NFPs, to assist in keeping costs down and that the volume of services is agile enough to scale up and down as required. Our team of experts contributing to your account ensures that best practices are upheld to meet the unique regulatory, governance and compliance requirements. If you choose not to outsource the whole operation, we can liaise with your auditors or bookkeepers and share required work papers and schedules to ensure a smooth process.

Some of the NFP services Aughey’s provides:

  • General bookkeeping
  • Software solutions
  • Training and support
  • Compliance advice
  • End of year review
  • Process review
  • Goods and services tax obligations
  • Fringe benefit tax obligations
  • Income tax assessment
  • Accounting support
  • New NFP or charity organisation set up
  • Audit or review requirements
  • Payroll
  • Supplier payments
  • Employee reimbursements
  • Credit card expenses
  • Sales invoices
  • Bank account reconciliation

Aughey's supports the local Port Pirie community:

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